Monday, September 30, 2013

Android's Device Management

Hey There!!!

i know it has been quite long since i updated you guys with any relative news..


Most of us are holding Super Charged Android devices, its just that few of us know how to get the best out of it.. :D
So today i'll try to help you good guys out with one neat trick which you can use to super secure your android devices.


Relax !!!!!!
We will setup and will show you a pro in using device admin (Administration) without throwing away a sweat!!!!


Using device administration you can do following

1. Ring your device remotely
2. Locate your device
3. Lock your phone and Change password
4. Wipe your device remotely

And no need for ANY third party apps (Non Google App) to manage and secure your mobile phone.

Just follow these 3 Steps
1. Click on Google Settings Application

2.  Click on Android Device Manager

3. Check on Both Check boxes

4. You will be asked for confirmation on Android Device Manager screen, Click on Activate

5. Once clicked you will be back on Google Settings Screen, just close the app

THAT's IT!! You are done!!!

Now if you want to play around simply click on this link